Monday, August 23, 2010

Wildlanders: Thrym the Wanderer

He wandered down from his homeland, the glacial plateau of the Sawtooth Mountains, on a mission to investigate the causes of the spreading of the great Wasteland. Climbing down the mountains, he came into the Halfling Commonwealth of Stoneborough, where he first encountered the sorceress Dreyka Feyblud-Candlewick. The deeds wrought by Thrym and the Wildlanders. Thereafter the deeds of Thrym and the Wildlanders became renowned in song, legend, and lore.

On a fateful evening at the fabled Maltman Ave. residence, Thrym was generated. Those of us who were there celebrated each time the dice were cast and huge numbers were revealed. If the character generation were any indication, it was obvious that Thrym was destined for greatness.

Later, the concept emerged for Thrym to be a Forsaker. The 3E splatbook prestige class eschews all magic. Given the magic-heavy campaign setting, and the proliferation of magic treasure in the campaign, the choice was a bold one. Indeed, the anti-magic preference of Thrym became a driving force in the overarching story.

Far from the caricature of a half-orc barbarians, the nuances of Thrym's personality evolved over time. His passions and appetites eventually gave way to calculation, diplomacy, and temperance.

Tales of Thrym remain yet to be written, but those deeds already done will surely be told in this blog.


  1. Thanks! I've been looking around for different kinds of pics, since so much of my stuff is pencil-only. More to follow!

  2. i rolled nothing below a 14 that night.. 18 17 16 14 14 14

    the expression in the pic is good, though i'm not into the zombie-ish no-nose portrayal of half-orcs. i imagine them more like neanderthals.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. or was it 18 18 17 14 14 13...? i seem to remember putting my first 4th level ability point into Intelligence..

  5. I can't remember exactly what you rolled, but don't forget the Half-Orc racial trait stat modifiers...

  6. those were factored in. it was . i've never rolled a set like that before or after.

  7. yeah the expression is perfect. thoughtful and intelligent

  8. "'Good' and 'Evil' only words
    Thrym know what must be done
    Today good day to die for him
    Fighting dragons fun!"

    - Thrym, as sung on the Mountain of Mengistu
