Saturday, August 21, 2010

South Central Wildlanders: Fawn Parasol

The third member of the South Central Wildlanders to be chronicled in this blog is the Ranger, Fawn Parasol. Like Belvedere and Beauregard, Fawn's first level was a Rogue level, giving her a huge boost to her overall number of skill points. Fawn also took the leadership feat, giving her an awesome cohort plus a number of followers, and the swarmfighting feat.

Although the PCs in the primary South Central campaign (Bel St. Tiev and Owen Turwill) never encountered Fawn, there is a great deal of story writing about her. One such story concerns her encounter with the tribal leaders of a group of South Central human barbarians. As the story goes, Beauregard baiting the group of barbarians into chasing him across the plains. Soon the barbarians came upon Fawn, sitting on the plains surrounded by a sumptuous picnic. The barbarians sat down to eat with her, but eventually the diplomacy gave way to ritual combat. At the end of the encounter, Fawn was rescued both by Belvedere and by her cohort, a djinn called "No Name." A great deal of the detailed diplomacy between the barbarian tribes and the SCW revolves around Fawn's picnic encounter.

The second detailed story about Fawn revolves around how "No Name" came into her service. Fawn acquired knowledge regarding an evil wizard's plot to develop a spell that would destroy cloud islands on the Elemental Plane of Air. The wizard was using the spell to blackmail a Noble Djinn, who also happened to have knowledge of the whereabouts of an important Halfling artifact. Wasting no time, Belvedere, Fawn, and Myster Lightning (more on him in the next post) shifted into the Elemental Plane of Air.

Once there, the three Halflings made contact with a humble djinn gardener who tended the grounds of the cloud island in servitude to his Noble master. The story unfolds as the humble djinn aided the Halflings in thwarting the evil wizard's plot. Grateful, the Noble Djinn set the humble gardener, "No Name," free. The emancipated djinn then became Fawn's cohort.

It's also noteworthy that Fawn was generated with the 3.0 Ranger rules, and she was never updated to 3.5.