Monday, August 30, 2010

Jadot the Githendil

We interrupt your regular Wildlanders blog to bring you the preceding image of the Great Jadot. This picture was drawn prior to the first Wildlanders game session. The quotation, an excerpt from the Song of Githendil, ranks among Jadot's most famous.

The details of the drawing are interesting, to say the least. He's holding the Annulis artifact. He's also weaing the Darkflame sword, which Jadot later gave to Tiamat to enhance the Dragon-Queen's hoard. Among the other items of interest are Jadot's shadow-dagger tattoo, the cloak of the bat, the torc around his neck (taken from a slain Ulitharid), and his sunglasses of see invisibility.

Also, please note his raised left eyebrow.


  1. Eyebrow noted.

    I believe the proper name for that artifact is
    "Annulus," pronounced A'-nyuh-luhss. Semantically speaking, the word has nothing to do with "annul," rather it is the Latin word for "small ring," diminutive of "anus," ring.

  2. !!
    iyndyead syah thye dyetyailss yof thye dryawying yare myost yintyeryestyaing tyo syay thye lyeast!

    i'm especially fond of the flowing edge of the cloak of the bat.. & Jadot's sweet Wolverine-style hairdo.

    man, did this post make me laugh out loud. i laughed when the last Wildlander post ended on "the Great Jadot", but i never expected that to foreshadow a complete Jadot post..

    it's not really a non-sequitur though, since as we know the Wildlanders are about to team up with Jadot in Ancient Penumbra!

    i have an idea for how Jeff & i could co-DM that adventyureeeee

  3. I would ask for the details of your co-DM idea, but the entire sentence of the written "Dryzlack-accent" have filled me with incomparable dread and loathing. I will now retreat into a fetal position for 2.43 hours.
