Saturday, August 28, 2010

Map of Stoneborough Surroundings

Here's a very early map from the Wildlanders campaign. In it, you can clearly see Stoneborough. I've chosen the fabled ""Smurf house" symbol to represent the Halfling Commonwealth.

Many of the features on the map have either been mentioned in previous posts, or they are well-known to those familiar with the Corridor. These features include the "crop belt" (where the Halflings conduct their agriculture) and the Ranger stations. Directional arrows point to significant nearby sites-of-interest, including Thrym's glacial plateau, Giant territory, and the human city of Bahar Dar.

Also present on the map is the Cleft Cave, which was the site of a major early foray by the Wildlanders. Based on the scale visible in the lower right-hand corner of the map, the Cleft Cave is about four miles from the eastern Ranger station, and roughly eight miles from the center of Stoneborough. It's no wonder that monsters were constantly assailing Stoneborough before the Wildlanders intervened!

This map was drawn pre-campaign. Along with the previously posted map of Stoneborough, it was among the earliest maps shown to the players. The below picture gives an inkling as to the general topography and ecosystem of Stoneborough and the surrounding area.