Sunday, August 22, 2010

South Central Wildlanders: Myster Lightning

The last, and perhaps most interesting, of the South Central Wildlanders is the Sorcerer, Myster Lightning. He's the only one of the SCW to encounter Bel and Owen in the game. In one of the final sessions ever played in that campaign, Myster Lightning helped the characters navigate through a very thorny situation in the city of Raprastha.

Myster Lightning was the lowest-level of all the Halflings in the SCW. In the story, it is told that he was the former cohort of Fawn Parasol, but Myster became a full Wildlander after Fawn met her djinn-friend ""No Name." Myster was also the only one not to have taken a level of Rogue.

Myster Lightning had a goal of encountering Bel and Owen before they entered the "wedge delta" land where the South Central barbarians had set up camp close to the Halfling Commonwealth of Yeomaharaya. The SCW new that they would need Bel and Owen's help to drive off the barbarians and secure the Commonwealth. Toward that end, Myster Lightning entered Raprastha and helped Bel and Owen thwart "The Footpadders," who were a malevolent urban gang of Halflings.

Myster Lightning's celestial chameleon familiar is the only one of its type in all of the story writing. In addition, "Myster Lightning" bear the distinction of being one of my all-time favoritte names in all of the writing, which is quite a distinction given the plethora of really cool names!

Here endeth the exposition of the Halfling Gang known variously as the South Central Wildlanders, the Wildlander Gang of the South Central Confederacy, and/or the "original" Wildlanders. Let the record reflect that their impact in the overall story writing was greatly eclipsed by the "true" Wildlanders, Thrym, Dreyka, Alvy, and Roscoe, along with Lavender. Henceforth, all references to "The Wildlanders" in this blog will refer to the latter gang of Wildlanders.