Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Stone Circle of Stoneborough

Here's another extremely early piece of Wildlanders writing. This one-sheet was hand written on a piece of printer paper. It must have been written after the map of Stoneborough was created, as the composition of the Stone Circle matches closely with the drawing in the map of Stoneborough.

In this writing, Tomfinias Windsock is named as the primary source of information regarding the Stone Circle. As the Commonwealth Astrologer, he understands its functions and its history. Local Sage Noses Nutcracker would also be able to provide information about the raising of the Stone Circle. In this document, it is written that "The Stone Circle was quarried & raised by the founders of Stoneborough with the aid of local Dwarves." This line would evolve into the tale of how Zarbizul and Brutaes "Smoothhands" Skipstone build the Stone Circle and the Aqua Gate together.

Of particular interest in this document is the delineation of the perimeter stones as "law stones" comprised of common law, the catalog of festivals, a "profession vs. worldwalk" stone, and an as-yet-unfinished history of Stoneborough Stone. Surely the events of the Wildlanders campaign will cause new writing to be carved in the festivals stone and the Stoneborough history stone. The "profession vs. worldwalk" stone is a legal source of minor friction between Dreyka and Roscoe. The stone says that halflings should return to the commonwealth upon completion of the worldwalk and thereafter remain at home. Dreyka has broken this tradition.

A seldom-discussed feature of the Stone Circle is the "time table", which is really a massive stone sundial. Druids regularly gather inside the Circle, as do members of the Commonwealth Council. So, the meeting between Thrym, Dreyka, Alvy, and the Council Members at the conclusion of the campaign would naturally be held inside the Circle.

Tomfinias is also able to provide detailed knowledge about the measurements of the stones and how they constitute both a calendar and an astrological tool. The heights of the stones, and their distances apart, are all "precessional" numbers that relate to the rotation of constellations in the "astral expanse". Friends of the author may notice the striking correlation between the ideas and math set forth by Tomfinias and various Hancockian notions of equinoctical precession.


  1. The influence of Graham Hancock's writings was definitely clear in the initial Wildlanders sessions from my perspective as a player.

    Dreyka has not broken the "profession vs. worldwalk" tradition. Her worldwalk is complete. She helped save the entire region from many evils, especially that of the environment. Upon her return from her worldwalk, she at first took on the duties of a Commonwealth Executive Administrator. She understands the tradition as a way for residents to be of use to the Commonwealth and commit to its betterment whether on worldwalk or in a professional capacity.

    After the Wildlanders Days, she will return to the chandlers' burrow as an apprentice while she decides what will be her permanent profession. Most likely it will involve travel.

    Currently she is considering appealing to Mayor Cobbler to be Head Ambassador and engage on diplomatic missions on behalf of the Commonwealth. Once she decides, she will depart in her new capacity as on a professional visit to the Feywild.

    Dreyka believes that once the wheels are in motion to do what can be done to live in harmony with nature in the Corridor, the channels of travel and communication with fey realms ought to be cultivated in order to cement the health of the region even more completely.

  2. Awesome comments overall, Jabe. I like the idea of Dreyka's profession involving travel. We'll have to see how things progress...
