Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wildlanders: Lavender Weatherworth

Lavender Weatherworth was originally conceived as a messenger from the nearby Commonwealth of Hamsterfield. I rolled her up after it became apparent that including Roscoe as a party NPC would potentially result in redundancy in the melee fighter "slot." However, after I rolled double-zero on the obscure "quirk" table, Lavender became a half-vampire.

As a result, Lavender's backstory became a key hook in the early campaign narrative. She was the offspring of Malkizedek, the vampire who doubled as the local uber-villain. After several modifications, I finally settled on the notion that Malkizedek had infected Lavender's mother with vampirism while Lavender was in utero, both to explain the concept of half-vampirism, and to account for how she was "sired" by Malkizedek.

Shunned by other Halflings due to her unusual nature, Lavender was quickly adopted by the Wildlanders, to whom she became fanatically loyal. In particular, Lavender seldom strays far from Thrym, with whom she occasionally teams up to form the adventurous duo known as "The Uncanny Dodgers." Owing to various stat buffs and unusual powers related to her quirk, Lavender became an extraordinarily powerful NPC. Rare was the trap that she couldn't bypass, and her stealth abilities knew few nonmagical equals.

Here's a picture of Lavender that I drew before the first campaign session. The notes on top refer to features of the Zerith Menyar Ag-Gith's Tower of Tests, including the whirling orrery and the Abyssal Dragon-Mirror.


  1. love that drawing! so Lavender actually had two halfling parents?

  2. In the final analysis, Lavender did have two Halfling parents. We could not "conceive" of a way that an undead being could initiate the seed of life. It's like he could influence midichlorians, or anything Sith-esque like that. So, the best solution was that her mother was infected with vampirism and she passed along some of the traits to Lavender.

    It was a "secret" affair by Malkizedek, too. In "The Ravaging," Zarbizul developed magic that sundered Malkizedek's control over his thralls. The Vampire Lord never wanted to court that disaster again. Hence, his primary accomplices (Dafoe Kiln, Parzi Flegetanis) were not vampires. Malki took a Halfling form to have an illicit affair with Lavender's mother in secret.

  3. there's quite a dramatic tale to be told: who was Lavender's mother who could sway the cold unbeating heart of Malkizedek and make him risk another thrall to rise against him? how did they come together? how did they part ways? what was Lavernder's mom like as a vampire? how did she keep Lavender safe from Malkie?

  4. good questions man... there is sure to be a song written about this

  5. she must have become his thrall when he made her a vampire. did he release her? was she somehow able to break the bond with Zarbizl's magic?
