Friday, August 27, 2010

Wildlanders: Alvarrio "Alvy" Meadowfoot

Alvy wasn't actually created until after the first game session had been played. Up until that point, it appeared as though Thrym and Dreyka would be the only two player-characters. However, so much fun was had in that first session that a third "regular" player came back to the table. When he expressed a potential desire to roll up a Druid, I immediately recognized the potential for the creation of a classic Wildlander gang.

Although it is seldom discussed, Alvy actually has a higher base-stat bonus total than Thrym. This makes the Druid nigh-unto-unstoppable. Furthermore, foes were so often preoccupied trying to deal with Thrym that Alvy was overlooked, lurking in the back ranks and influencing combat from a position of safety. No enemy ever seriously threatened him.

Early in the campaign, Alvy's behavior was characterized by wild impatience and bursts of sudden anger whenever he detected numbskullduggery. Often, Alvy would be the first to leap into the fray, putting himself at risk and earning admonishments from his companions. Over time, Alvy learned to temper his reactions, but not his passion for setting things to rights.

In the course of the Wildlanders' adventures, Alvy evaded a continent-wide plot to eradicate Druids and subjugate nature. He cared little for politics and diplomacy. Alvy's priority was always the sanctity of the natural world, and the health of the ecosystem.


  1. Wow!! Higher stats than Thrym. No wonder he's such a tank. What a stalwart.

  2. let us never speak of it again

  3. Everyone knows...everyone knows...
