Monday, August 16, 2010

Highest Level Stoneboroughvians

Here's a dandy of a document! It gives insight into the creative process of planning a city/town such as Stoneborough. This page is a chart of the highest level locals in Stoneborough - both adventurer class and NPC class. Other such pages for other notable communities also exist. It's one of the key steps in community creation.

As you can see, Stoneborough is is smallish town, and so the most powerful people really aren't terribly powerful. During the course of the campaign, many of the named NPCs of Stoneborough did advance somewhat. Of all such characters, Liam Meadows advanced the most.

Like most of the earliest Wildanders documents, this one is rife with fantastic little tidbits. While Shaela Shalm was the highest level adventurer when Stoneborough was created, there are several NPCs with as much or more experience. This includes weaponsmith Singe Hothammer, and sherrif Vorsted Goosestep. I never identified by name the 17th level Commoner - perhaps I shall!

Among, less-discussed NPCs, you can see a lengthier list of the living members of the Skipstone Family. This includes three children: Herkimer, Glitter, and Elijah. Tom Cobbler's sons Bill and Sam are listed here, and you actually met them in the game. There's also a specialty smith named Cain Goldsmith.

This document, which was created after the "adventure hooks" page but before the "nestled in the hills" description document, marks the first appearance of Hugh Poomphower's name. Moreover, virtually all of the leading adventurer Halfings got their names on this page, although it appears as though the page was written first and the names were added sometime after that. Those names played so well in the first couple of sessions! It led me down a path of wonderfully fun and successful character naming throughout the campaign.

There are two final items worth of note here. The first is that a reference to a 2nd level Hlaf-Elven bard is given here, but you never encountered such a character (nor any other bard native to Stoneborough). Also, you can see multiple sets of number in the bottom left corner of the page. These are primary stats for the Halfling adventurer NPCs. They never came into play.


  1. i'm guessing the L17 commoner is the venerable Graymane Skipstone! Grrrrraaaaaayyyymaaaaaaaanne!

  2. Actually, Greymane is listed as an aristocrat! I'll have to figure out just who is this highest-level individual in Stoneborough!

  3. looks to me like it's Tom. that would be appropriate too.
