Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wildlanders: Roscoe "Trounce" Morton

Created on the same evening as Thrym and Dreyka, Roscoe was intended from the beginning to serve as the main party NPC for the Wildlanders campaign. This was before the concept of "The Wildlanders"" was even considered for this story. Only after Matthew suggested that he might be interested in creating a Druid did it become possible for the adventuring party to become a "wildlander" gang. Only Roscoe's inclusion could make the group "true" wildlanders.

In the story, Roscoe earned immediate fame by winning the stone-throwing competition at the Equinox festival. Thereafter, Thrym and Dreyka selected him to become the fourth Wildlander as the group made ready to battle Rako at the eastern Ranger station of Stoneborough. In the eyes of Stoneboroughvians, Roscoe (not Lavender) is a legitimate Wildlander, and he is regarded as a folk hero and the "favorite son" of the Commonwealth.

Roscoe is a Halfling of few words. He favors direct action over diplomacy. In many situations, Roscoe acted as a kind of compass, pointing the way towards the simplest solution to the problem facing the group. More often than not, his solution involved the use of his swords. Roscoe's words of "wisdom" were often disregarded by his companions, who nevertheless always appreciated his helping hand in combat and his wilderness skills.

Roscoe had a knack for delivering the final blow on the biggest villain in many major combat situations. In addition, Roscoe seemed to deliver an extremely high percentage of critical threats and critical hits, a fact attributable to my use of the "fire dire" when rolling for him. Not surprisingly, Roscoe also had a tendency to absorb lots of damage in combat, attracting the attention of foes and thus shielding Dreyka and Alvy from harm.


  1. "a knack for delivering the final blow on the biggest villain"... what a polite way of saying "stealing Thrym's kills"...
    for the record, everywhere outside of Stoneborough, Lavender is a full Wildlander. anyone who uses this "with Lavender" garbage is completely full of crap as far as Thrym is concerned.
