Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Map of Stoneborough

Hey look - it's the original map of the Halfling Commonwealth of Stoneborough!

Unlike many of the other maps, this one was clearly labeled at its creation. The noticeable features that weren't clearly labeled in the beginning were the "Aqua Ring and the "Aqua Gate", which are prominently located in the central fairgrounds. Also the "Law Stones" that sit outside the Stone Circle aren't labeled, either. The Aqua Ring is formed by a perpetually flowing underground spring that bubbles over directly underneath the Aqua Gate. Zarbizul Narud assisted in the construction of the Aqua Gate (and its lovely accompanying Swan statue) and the Stone Circle, as is noted elsewhere.

You can clearly see that many of the sections of town are named, along with the specific residences of certain people and the location of certain businesses. For example, the apothecary/chandler, at the western edge of the Commonwealth, is not only in the vicinity of the Feyblud-Candlewick abode. It's also the area where Thrym first came into Stoneborough.

Lance Colson's Laughing Willow Tavern is located directly to the north of the Sherrif's HQ, at the center of the food and lodging corridor. Mayor Tom Cobbler and founder's descendant Greymane Skipstone have large dwellings very close to one another. Tomfinias Windsock has a special astrological observatory built onto the top of his hill.

One little-known factoid about the Stoneborough map is that Hugh Poomphower, chief of the Stoneborough Merchant League and a member of the Commonwealth Council, was initially conceived as a shapeshifted spy for a local uber-villain. That's why his dwelling is specially labeled. However, after Poomphower became a viable Halfling character in the scheme of the story the author (that's me) dropped his role as a spy and instead evolved into a fearful, pragmatic Halfling notable who was won over by the Wildlanders.


  1. seems like the aqua ring is the perfect line of defense against vampires!

  2. Esp. when Edgar and Allen Frog fill it with garlic!

  3. I think Poomphower works better as a halfling than as a shifter. He helps round out the range of personalities on the Council and in the Commonwealth in general.

    NB: It's not the Feyblud-Candlewick residence, it's Candleburrow, Mr. & Mrs. Candlewick's home. Dreyka is staying with them at the moment, but will have a magnificent brand new burrow constructed as her residence. She is scoping out a good spot near Founders' Hill. She intends to occupy the entire top segment of a high hill so as to give good views of the Stone Circle as well as the Western Mountains.

  4. We will have to out the particulars and the costs of Dreyka's new home - exciting!
