Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Corridor Map: Bahar Dar District

This map of the Bahar Dar district is drawn to the same scale as the previous "local" map of the Stoneborough area. Along with another map of the corridor "wild lands," the three maps combine to form the larger stripe of land which is "The Corridor." Many conversations suggest that "The Corridor" also includes the plateaus of Krebb and Grak, the Forge of Zarbizul (and surrounding former Giant Lands), the Tower of Makdazadok, the Fortress of Zazamanc, and the Commonwealth of Hamsterfield. Indeed, all of these landmarks, along with other features, are included in the "local campaign area map," which was the subject of an earlier blog post.

In truth, "The Corridor" originally referred to the strip of land that stretches from Stoneborough to Bahar Dar. The two communities are situated almost directly on an east-west axis. The existence of the three maps reinforce the point. Particularly in the early adventuring careers of the Wildlanders, such a small area was a lot to cover using only overland travel.

It's interesting to note on this map how close Bahar Dar is located in relation to the boundary of the Wasteland, which is denoted by a squiggly line on the eastern border of the map. Also, as previously noted, the Giant Lands in the northwest corner of this map have never been visited by the Wildlanders.


  1. i like the meticulously even pattern of hills & the icon for Zazamanc is really sweet! it got me wondering if any of the trees Alvy awakended in the courtyard survived the battle. weren't there some mysterious enchanted/conscious stones there as well? or did we just cast Stone Tell?

  2. There are "speaking stones" in the Zazamanc courtyard - a feature of wondrous architecture from Zarbizul's time that have seen a great deal of history. The awakened trees yet live!

  3. it's awesome that the speaking stones & the awakened trees remain to give first-hand accounts of the triumphant Battle of Zazamanc!
