Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yekuno Grazal: The Ultimate Smarmlord

Of all the NPCs encountered by the Wildlanders, the one for whom the most detailed notes exist is the Dragon Disciple, Yekuno Grazal. Players remember him most for his incredibly smarmy statements, the multiple encounters that led to his extendd stay on the mythical "list" of the Wildlanders, and for the session where he was introduced into the campaign (where he was expertly played by special guest David McEwan). Yet to be revealed are the pages of copious notes, phrases, motivations, and tactics that made Yekuno Grazal such a compelling villain.

Like almost all of the Bahar Dar NPCs, Yekuno Grazal was generated from a 3.0 "splatbook" prestige class, the Dragon Disciple. Combat was decidedly not his specialty. His connection to the Blue Dragons of the Wasteland made him a favorite of the local villains, all of whom lined up to grant him special favors when he came to Bahar Dar.

The "story" page reveals his diplomatic relations with the various key NPCs of the city. As he was originally conceived, Yekuno Grazal was supposed to provide the players with a lead, and with key information, regarding the regional situation that would ultimately lead the Wildlanders to their confrontation with Yared Mengistu. Close examination of the Big Red Book reveals that the name "Yared Mengistu"" first appears on Yekuno Grazal's story page, albeit in the creative conception as a "True Necromancer" (3.0 splatbook prestige class) and not yet as a Lich.

Needless to say, a great deal more posts and information regarding Yekuno Grazal is coming soon in this blog.


  1. The Dispersal of the Elements at the Dawn of Time in the Land of Bharat-Rata... pardon me while i pick up the pieces of my exploded brain after looking at that insanely awesome drawing.

    trying to recall where & under what circumstances we finally killed Grazal. i just remember Thrym axing him and he fell pretty fast.

  2. There was a throw-down in Ras Dashen that included Alvy taking the bait on a "Trap the Soul" spell and the double-elimination of Grazal and Graham Athanasius.

    That drawing is definitely one of my favorites...

  3. how did they get Alvy to take the gem?

  4. I can't recall specifically, but it wasn't an obvious, long-standing enemy who handed it to him. I recall Matt blushing fiercely when it happened, as if he was wondering how he could have been so foolish as to take the bait so quickly.
