Monday, September 6, 2010

Governor Kyot Czarno

At right, you can see the handwritten "character sheet" of Governor Kyot Czarno. The Master of Chains was the highest-level NPC on the Bahar Dar roster. The format I use here remains fairly consistent among all the NPCs in the campaign.

Various aspects of the format stand out. For example, although the Base Attack Bonus is near the top of the statistics block, the actual "to hit" stats with Czarno's primary weapon are at the very bottom. Therefore, they're easy to spot. Czarno possessed a 3E "Force Shield Ring," which was an extremely powerful magic item that was later nerfed.

Also on this page is my really cool original drawing of Czarno:

The accompaniment to the character sheet is the "story page." It looks like the Governor's character sheet was generated on 7/16, which was the day after session #1. However, the story page didn't get written until after 8/2, which was the apparent date of the second session.

The story page alludes to Czarno's brutal, bloody ascent to his post, and to his apparent allegiance with the Vampire Lord (still referred to as "Melchizedek"" at the time of this writing). However, Governor Czarno, with the aid of his new Kyton allies, was apparently plotting to challenge Malkizedek for local supremacy. In addition, Governor Czarno's obsession with virtuoso bard Debra Nagast is referred to on the story page.

One final note: at the bottom right corner of the story page is a small clip of a pencil drawing. As mentioned in the last post, many of the story pages contain drawings that do not related to the text on the page. Later posts will be dedicated to these drawings, some of which rank among the best in the Big Red Book. This particular clip is part of a sketch of a significant feature in the realm of The Moon King. It indicated how early The Moon King was a part of the story superstructure, even though the characters never met him (and indeed only learned about him towards the very end of the campaign).


  1. got what was coming to him at the hands of mighty Burlmaster Ulbor.. speaking of which i really think you should homebrew the Burlmaster prestige class for Ulbor.

  2. Important comment: Many of the original Bahar Dar and Corridor NPCs have notes about their demise written as a sort of "post-script" on their pages. Strangely, at the time I scanned this page this morning, none existed for Governor Czarno.

    Let the record reflect that Governor Kyot Czarno was slain by the Bugbear Ulbor, who was still fighting with only one hit point left, at the Battle of Zazamanc Courtyard.

  3. you are way better at faces than the dude who drew the master of chains. he put some decent foreshortening on some of the chains though

  4. Thanks, man...but before you praise me, you'll have to evaluate the body of work that is coming your way...

  5. yeah the perspective was cute, although a chain coming at you in a straight line is a bit silly. the face has nice expression Mr. DM.
