Monday, September 13, 2010

The Orcish General

For many reasons, Dorg Durg is one fo the most awesome historic NPCs on the Bahar Dar Roster. The character sheet illustrates why. On it, you can see a blow-by-blow of how his hit points declined as he was vanquished. You also see the unique set of skills that goes along with his Masters of the Wild 3.0 prestige class. Check out his skills, feats, and powers...Dorg Durg is an accomplished swimmer!

One of the most truly awesome aspects of Dorg Durg is his original name. It didn't come from any list, or any combination of otherwise-used syllables from a third-party source. I just "made it up," which makes it extremely enduring.

Dorg Durg's story page deals with his expanding portfolio in the Corridor. He was the leader of the monstrous forces who were trafficking slaves through Bertrand Scharfenberg and, by extension, Yekuno Grazal. He was also plotting to conquer the two Half-Orc plateaus (of Krebb and Grak) before launching raids against the Halfling Commonwealths of Stoneborough and Hamsterfield.

So compelling was Dorg Durg that his influence extended over the campaign long after his demise. One of the 13 Acolytes of Yared Mengistu (Kauskor, and Orc Cleric in life) is referred to as an ancient ancestor of Dorg Durg. And, present-day Orcish tribal leader Gurk Durg is cited as the oldest brother of Dorg Durg.

The picture of Dorg Durg is totally wicked awesome. You can see the hand-written note regarding his demise. The Dorg Durg story page also contain a drawing of a different strain of pipeweed, and it contains a script of Tolkien's elvish alphabet.


  1. wtf i made a comment before what happened to it test test

  2. Sometimes your comment will go to a "preview" window, so don't close out of your browser tab until you're sure the comment has hit the blog...

  3. No comment on Dorg Durg's swimming ability?

  4. my comment was about how awesome Dorg Durg was as an early foe for the Wildlanders...
