Friday, September 3, 2010

First Session Prep and Wrap

This page lays out the first Wildlanders game session, tells the tale of what occurred, and points toward what happens next. It is beginning to fade significantly, as it written with pencil over 8 years ago. It's my belief that the first session took place on 7/15/02, and that the "wrap-up" writing (including another page, which I will post in an upcoming entry) was set to paper the following day.

The "session prep" writing offers a fascinating perspective, and not only on the content of the inaugural session. It also demonstrates my preference for laying out and enumerating potential encounters pre-session. After enough "reps" of this practice, I became highly skilled at planning single game sessions that took on the flavor of "mini-adventures," or even "mini-campaigns," with a beginning, rising and falling action, and a conclusion that left everyone with a very satisfied feeling.

The pre-session content merits discussion. Clearly, the first Halfling to spot Thrym is Dreyka's (stilled spelled "Draka" on this page) neighbor Kosmas Fasilidas. Shane asserted in a recent email exchange regarding Thrym's wedding invitations that Thrym did not know this Halfling! Another key figure in the very first session was Sherm the Sheriff, whom Thrym left off the wedding guest list (and also claimed not to know). Sherm actually figured fairly prominently in at least two sessions (the first two) and potentially a third session (after the Battle of the Cleft Cave).

In the session-prep section, Krebb and Lavender also both figure prominently. Based on the specific writing, I had planned to have Krebb smash an applecart at some point (everyone remembers that this happened in the session). At this early date, Krebb was called "Krebbs." It's obvious that not even I knew at that point what would become of Krebb, whose tale is itself legendary and extensive. Indeed, it's also unpredictable how Lavender would be received, and I note that "Thrym senses something odd about Lavender."

The "wrap-up" writing at the bottom of the page is heavily faded and difficult to read as a jpeg image. However, it indicates that Dreka's birthday is the spring equinox, which is the following day! Recently Gabriel noted in an email that Dreyka was in her late 20s...does her character sheet confirm this? I had though that Dreyka's birthday this past equinox was her 21st, i.e. her Halfling "coming of age."


  1. Indeed that Equinox day was Dreyka's 27th. She was a confused young adult halfling before her worldwalk.

  2. Thank you for your corroboration. Can you also confirm the expanded pool of named Halflings that Thrym has met? To this list I would add Lance Colson, the proprietor of the Laughing Willow tavern.

    Admittedly, the interaction with Mr. Fasilidas was most likely a brief one that may or may not have been limited to screaming and running on the part of the Halfling...

  3. after 8 years the L1 encounters w/Kosmas & Sherm escaped my memory.. Thrym would've invited them if the DM had reminded me of the encounter instead of silently taking note of the error so they could later use their blog as a platform to publicly lambaste me!

  4. Yeah that was pretty underhanded, Skewerman.

    How much time has passed in game terms since that first session?

  5. Frankly, any time the word "lambaste" can come into play, it was worth whatever transgression transpired.

    I will include Kosmas, Sherm, and Lance on the guest and gift list, with your approval.

    9 and 1/2 weeks have passed, meaning that the Wildlander Days festival will take place annually about 3.5 weeks after the summer solstice...around the Gregorian date of July 14th.

  6. permission granted..
    July 14's great time for a festival
    so the whole adventure lasted about 2 months!

  7. also that's Benjy's birthday, and Bastille Day
