Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rufinius Frumentius

Rufinius Frumentius was Governor Czarno's "Chief of Staff." The Herald served as the primary diplomat of the Czarno regime, and as the principal intermediary between Malkizedek and the powers that be in Bahar Dar. His prestige class comes from an obscure 3.0 Dragon Magazine article. In all of his dealing with the Wildlanders, Rufinius was a total smarmbag. Unfortunately, his character sheet does not detail in what manner he perished during the battle of Zazamanc. Does anyone remember?

On his story page, we can see a general outline the total smarm-le-douchery of Rufinius. He was basically the charming, sophisticated toady of everyone in Bahar Dar who was more powerful than him. Also, he was smitten with Candlecaster Leila Bela, and he was always scheming to woo her. His efforts always came to naught.

The true smarm of Rufinius is chronicled in-depth in the Little Red Book. This will be given proper attention in a future post. Indeed, given the level of douchebaggery, it's amazing that this guy even survived as long as he managed to do. One last note: Rufinius had a really cool magic item: a bronze griffin figurine. I'll have to double-check, but I believe that the figurine is now in the possession of Rainer Herzeloyde (who seems to acquire awesome treasure consistently).


  1. dude AWESOME drawing -- his grin is SO smarmy!

  2. "methinks smarmbags should die."

    - GDV

  3. omg for me that drawing had the same effect that my Dryzzlack accent post had on Jeff. i'm still twitching with the recollection of that unctuous smarmlord.. who may have been horridly wilted or perhaps dismembered by Watban. at least Neethan Gematria had senseless comic relief as a redeeming quality. Frumentius committed a sin even worse than arch-smarmery: being a bore!
