Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ongoing Creation

The upcoming section of the Big Red Book details the creation of the NPC roster of Bahar Dar. The dates and time line tell an interesting story. The first session, in all likelihood, took place on 7/15/02. The next date for which after-session notes appear is 8/2/02, which is about 2.5 weeks later. In between the two sessions, every major NPC from Bahar Dar was rolled up and accounted for in the Big Red Book. In addition, a great deal of the "backstory" for these characters was written.

On top of that, several pages of writing dated 7/31/02 indicate that a major benchmark (the successful climbing of the Zerith's "Tower of Tests") had been passed in the Curse of the Songblade Campaign. In fact, there's quite a bit of Jadot writing in both the Big Red Book and the Little Red Book (which I had not yet procured at the above date). The Jadot writing, frankly, is both spectacular and utterly ludicrous. So much speculation, most of which came to naught, is contained therein. The pages may get posted on this blog, if for no other reason than to display the original artwork of illithid skulls with barbed arrows running through them.

The Bahar Dar creation writing details a fascinating process. First, the character, with all their stats, skills, and possessions, is put to paper. After every character is thus laid out, a second page appears later in the text, detailing their place in Bahar Dar and their relationships to various other characters. You can probably guess the identity of the guy to the left. It's Governor Kyot Czarno, the "Master of Chains."

In a break from the blog-writing process so far, I'm going to post both pages related to each particular character simultaneously. So, you'll see the Kyot Czarno (he was first, and most powerful) character page along with his story page. This will give a solid overall impression of the nature of the character.

Furthermore, almost all of these pages contain really cool drawings. However, not every drawing relates to the content on the page! For this reason, I may not post the drawings along with the text. Instead, the drawings will get their own blog posts and accompanying explanations.


  1. what th- ..Jeff, that drawing! you made _so_ many badass drawings that you never showed us?!

  2. Confession: that is not my drawing.

  3. groovy fan art. fooled me, you easily coulda drawn it
