Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Spy of Makdazadok

With his array of disguises and deadly poisons, Theoderic posed a roguish threat to the Wildlanders. This NPC even allotted knowledge and profession skill points to enhance his various cover identities! During the course of the game, however, these cover identities of Theoderic became more fun as real characters in the game world.

It is firmly established that Hugh Poomphower is actually a Halfling merchant from Stoneborough. But what about Hugh Krendle? (I have often commented on the fact that two of Theoderic's potential cover identities were named Hugh). Could the inventor who sold Thrym his binoculars really be in league with the forces of Makdazadok? Is Hassenfus really Theoderic? The Uncanny Dodgers will recall how difficult it was to pry the map to Zarbizul's Forge away from Hassenfus, and how Hassenfus for a long time insisted that he accompany the heroes to the forge. (He eventually parted with the map for an exorbitant price).

Indeed, the fate of Theoderic is still unknown at this time. Careful analysis indicates that the Uncanny Dodgers interacted with Krendle and Hassenfus after the demise of Malkizedek and his cronies. Therefore, it's possible that Theoderic still maintains his cover identities, looking for some new caper or employer! Theoderic really had nothing to gain in conflict with the Wildlanders (or the Uncanny Dodgers) once his masters were eliminated, except for his own profit and self-aggrandizement. It should be noted that all of the Wildlanders encountered Hassenfus (who's incredibly fun to play) during their first trip to Bahar Dar.

At the bottom of Theoderic's "story page are two really cool drawings. They depict the Duke of Thunderbolts and the Baron of the Borderlands. These Paladins are arch-heroes of the South Central Confederacy. A painting of the Duke of Thunderbolts was found in the hoard of Yared Mengistu. A full blowup, and an analysis of the drawings, will come in a future post.


  1. decipher script, innuendo, read lips, scry... love those old skills but it sure was tough being a spy in 3.0!

    he was so good we never knew about him. you mentioned his name in a recent e-mail and i had no idea who that was, or that there had ever been a spy in our midst.

  2. Surely you must remember how difficult it was to pry that map away from Hassenfus!

  3. i actually didn't until you reminded me. maps were always hard to come by in your world, so it made sense that it would be challenging and expensive to procure. i remember the price was high, but we had nothing to compare it to & it seemed totally worth it. at the time it came across as nothing more than a challenging role play with a churlish NPC.
