Friday, September 10, 2010

Bahar Dar's Master Manipulator

Not every cool NPC was discovered and interacted with by the Wildlanders. Mindbernder Simone Sigioli is an example of such a character. Even after she relocated to Ras Dashen, the Wildlanders never sought out any kind of encounter with her.

Delving into Simone would have made for a really cool module/mini adventure. She lived at the top of Bahar Dar's highest tower, and she had a red dragon as a cohort. Although Simone was not tailored to combat, she had an array of powers at her disposal.

It would have been an interesting role-playing experience, unless Thrym decided he didn't like the wizard and simply eliminated her. It's possible that I designed her with just such a purpose in mind. After all, she's a bit of a numbskulldugger.

In the context of the world of Bahar Dar, Simone preferred to stay behind the scenes, toying with the populace and its leaders. She would send her dragon out on regular missions to terrorize people in the city, most notably Leila Bela. Also, she enjoyed stoking the passions of city leaders like Governor Czarno and Rufinius Frumentius. It's even possible that Simone's plotting led to the Governor's demise, as Czarno insisted on being present at Zazamanc on the night Debra Nagast (the target of his obsessive affections) performed for Malkizedek and the Wildlanders.

Simone Sigioli is still alive and well in the game world. The last we checked, she was living in Ras Dashen. She's most likely fallen in with Eemah, the mysterious overlord of the city's Brothel. Does she have some part yet to play in the fate of the Wildlanders?

As you can see, there are two really cool drawings on the bottom of Simone's "story" page. These will be blown up and explained in future blog posts.


  1. "Delving into Simone" is a great name for a module... Gabe, didn't you go through that one back in college?

  2. I'd say, "rim shot," here, but that would be too obvious...

  3. more like waa-waaaaaah (descending tritone)
