Saturday, September 11, 2010

Kaleb Sedek: One Good Cop

At the outset of the campaign, Kaleb Sedek was the Watch Detective of Bahar Dar. His prestige class, which can basically be summed up as "urban ranger," comes from Masters of the Wild. He was the human in charge of maintaining law and order in Bahar Dar.

Unfortunately, the villainous powers of Bahar Dar had set up an arbitrary legal code based on their own narrowly-defined interests. Crimes such as the inhibition of the free practice of magic, the wanton destruction of magic items, and slandering the Governor were met with draconian punishments. Kaleb did not see it as his job to judge the morality of the laws. Instead, he was tasked with upholding the laws.

Obviously, some of these laws flew directly in the face of the goals and ethos of the Widlanders. So it wasn't really clear when I created him whether Kaleb would become the Wildlanders' friend or foe. As it turned out, Kaleb's first encounter with the Wildlanders occurred outside of the Adventurer's Guild, in the battle against Dorg Durg. At that time, Dorg Durg had marched his Orcish troops into the city illegally. Kaleb arrived to thwart this illegal, and dangerous, activity, and his allegiance with the Wildlanders was born.

After that, Kaleb became an extremely staunch ally of the Wildlanders. His natural friendships with Rainer, Diantha, Leila, and some of the other good-aligned human leaders of Bahar Dar formed the foundation of the post-Czarno regime of Bahar Dar and the Corridor. Kaleb was very surprised, and honored, when Thrym hand-selected him as the new "mayor" of Bahar Dar. Kaleb Sedek is humbled by the position, and his government is focused on maintaining public safety and personal liberty on the community.

The drawing of Kaleb is one of my favorites of all of the NPCs of Bahar Dar. It looks as though he's investigating a bar brawl that went bad, with a bloated Orc victim lying on the floor in front of him. Using his eyes of the eagle, Kaleb examines a broken glass mug for clues.


  1. Wow Kaleb has some killer stats.

    I agree that drawing is great! Did you copy the body positions from somewhere??

  2. Yes - it comes from Masters of the Wild.

    Kaleb's stats changed at least once during the campaign, as a result of leveling up and acquiring ability score-boosting items.

  3. what a stalwart homie, that Kaleb. he even turned a blind eye to Thrym destroying Dorg Durg's breastplate.

    i also see some black widow spiders.. perhaps inspired by some episode in Curse of the Songblade?

  4. Nope - inspired by a description of Mirkwood forest...
